How to Install BES Express on an Exchange 2007 Single Server (on Server 2008)

Well, I wrote the Install BESx on a Single Exchange 2010 Server last year and I am pleasantly surprised that RIM has since developed an excellent interactive instruction “tutorial”.  Other than the first few items, I will keep my numbering related to that “tutorial” and that will make my instructions much shorter:


Two quick things before we get to the fun:

  1. Patch your Exchange Server to whatever is current in Windows Update and reboot if you can.
  2. Spend 20 minutes and skim RIM’s BES Express Install Tutorial

Now lets get the real pre-work:

  1. Register and Download Blackberry Enterprise Server Express from .�
    1. Note that RIM may take upwards of a day to actually send you the files you need, so do this first.
    2. When you get access to the Distribution Center for BlackBerry Software, make sure you COPY / PASTE the codes into a text file for use later because trying to accurately type by hand will not be fun.
    3. You can skip to the next steps while you are waiting.
  2. Download and install the Microsoft Exchange MAPI and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 .
  3. If the server does not already have SQL 2005 or newer, download and install SQL 2008 R2 64Bit with Management tools :
    1. If your server does not have SQL the BES install will install SQL Express 2005
      1. This is likely fine, but I personally do not like using old DB software.  I think that future BESx upgrades will be smoother because I am already running a current version of SQL and it will be more supported by Microsoft if you have problems.
  4. Create a new user named BESAdmin using the Exchange Management Console.
  5. Give BESAdmin permissions by openning an Exchange Shell and copy / pasting the following two commands
    1. Add-ExchangeAdministrator “BESAdmin” -Role ViewOnlyAdmin
    2. Get-MailboxServer “YOUR-EXCHANGE-SERVER-NAME” | Add-ADPermission -User “BESAdmin” -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store -Admin, Send-As
  6. Add BESAdmin to the local Admin Group and grant BESAdmin the LOG ON LOCALLY right:
  7. Add BESADmin to your SQL Logins and set SQL to use TCP:

Ok, that is all the prework.


Step 8 in RIM’s Tutorial:

Launch the setup, blow through the first two screens and then enjoy all of the majesty that is the BES Express install.  It is very complex and time consuming.  Fortunately, I got though this all the steps without a single mistake. 

Note that I had to reboot after the install was complete although I do not see any instructions from RIM stating a reboot is required.

Good Luck!

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Published by
Ian Matthews

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