If you are a network administrator responsible for patching, you know that there is no place in the Windows 10, Windows 11 or Windows Server GUI that shows you where a computer is actually getting its updates from.  Are updates coming from Microsoft or from your own WSUS server?

Fortunately there is a simple PowerShell script that tells you what sources the computer is trying to get updates from:

$(New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager").Services | Select-Object Name, IsDefaultAUService
How To Determine Where Windows Updates Are Coming FromIf updates are coming from a Windows Server Update Services server (i.e. TRUE) then the next question is:

How to Determine What WSUS Server A PC Is Using

This is just as easy.  Open the registry and expand:

HKLM > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows > WindowsUpdate

Be careful here NOT to accidentally look at HKLM > SOFTWARE > MICROSOFT > WINDOWS > CURRENT VERSION > WindowsUpdate – That path exists but is not what you are looking for

registry where pc is getting wsus path from

 —-  ——————
Microsoft UpdateFALSE
DCat Flighting ProdFALSE
Windows Store (DCat Prod)FALSE
Windows Server Update ServiceTRUE
Windows UpdateFALSE

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SOLVED: What Can Be Safely Deleted From C:WINDOWS – Up & Running Technologies, Tech How To's · December 9, 2022 at 11:31 am

[…] How to make space on your C: Drive and how to make space on your computer in general including Windows 10 and Windows 11. We explain which files and folders can files be deleted from C:Windows as well as explain things like what is C:WindowsPrefetch and how to clean up Windows Update. […]

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