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Android vs. iOS – Unraveling the Differences and Comparisons for Gaming Enthusiasts

The battle of Android Vs iOS has been on for ages, and it doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon. With new releases, comes new comparisons in different niches like streaming, editing, and even gambling.
And although it may sound trivial, the device you use has a great influence on your gambling experience. It is why you will find most online casino reviews Canada with specifications for devices that will suit your gameplay. And depending on the kind of casino games you play, you will find that the specifications are true. For example, if you play more live dealer games, you need high end devices to have a pleasant experience.

But gambling aside, among the several areas of comparisons, our major area of focus today is gaming. Since gaming is a high-end activity, we would love to make some comparisons to see which device is more favorable for games. Enjoy!

Gaming Library

Both Android and iOS have their own unique gaming library. Android has the Google Play Store, while iOS has the Apple App Store. And speaking of general apps, Play Store offers roughly over 2.3 million apps, while the App Store has over 3.5 million.

When we do further research, we find that out of those numbers, for the Google Play Store, there are about 440,000+ games, and for the Apple App Store, there are about 540,000+ games. And for interested individuals, these games are under different categories like:

  • Action
  • Sports
  • Arcade
  • Adventure
  • Racing, and many more.

But surely, in terms of gaming options, iOS has the bigger advantage over its Android counterpart.


By flexibility, we are referring to how easy it is for gamers on each platform to get certain additional features that seemingly puts them at an advantage.

On iOS, players are quite limited to only what the official developers give them. So, they have to stick to the App Store irrespective of what they want. And although some people jailbreak their iOS to get an advantage from external sources, it is not something we would recommend as it voids the warranty.

Android, on the other hand, offers more flexibility as players can download patches and upgrades outside of the Google Play Store. Furthermore, they also have access to some unofficial games that are not on the stores.

So if you ask us about flexibility, the facts state that Android is on top.

Gaming Subscription

Gamers love to take things a step further by subscribing to gaming services as it gives them several additional features. So, it is no surprise that both Android and iOS have their respective subscription services. On Android, we have Google Play Pass, while iOS gives us Apple Arcade.

Both of them attract the same $4.99 per month fee, however, Apple Arcade comes short in the yearly fee. The Google Play Pass brings a huge discount at $29.99 per year, while Apple Arcade is up there at $49.99 per year.

In terms of games, Google Play Pass is miles ahead with over 800 games, while its iOS counterpart offers just over 200 games. In addition to the games, the Android counterpart also includes apps in the subscription. But Apple also compensates by offering some exclusive games that only subscribers have access to.

In the grand scheme of things, the Android Google Play Pass offers more value for money.

Final Takeaway

As much as we are tempted to crown a winner, we can’t do so for you. And why? Simply because everyone has their preferences. For example, iOS has a seemingly better processor for gaming than an average Android device, yet, over 70% of gamers use Android. So, it is up to you. If you have the capacity, try both of them!

Published by
Brynn Matthews

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