Categories: Business & Tech News

Why You Need a VPN When Working From Home

Commercial properties face plenty of digital threats—and continuing so. At the same time, however, they’re protected by robust cybersecurity networks designed to keep every connected device secured.

In 2020, a lot of people work from home. Not everyone is an office worker conducting business remotely, but anyone operating from their own local network—even if it’s private—is at risk from digital attacks.

Despite remote workers carrying higher cybersecurity risks, as their data is worth more, too few give it the regards it deserves. Anyone working from home falls into the same category – those who aren’t safe when browsing online and those who need to use a VPN.

Local Network Safety in 2020

You’ve probably heard about VPNs in the past, as they’re incredibly popular these days. They’re about as common as antivirus software. In the past, VPNs were considered to be obscure digital tools—only to be used by highly knowledgeable tech gurus, large-scale organizations, and, unfortunately, hackers.

This is unfortunate because a reliable VPN is one of the most successful digital security tools. So, even if you’ve heard of VPNs before but haven’t used one, yourself—it’s probably a good time to start using one if you work from home.

Below, we’ve listed the biggest reasons why:

Reason One: Public Wi-Fi Protection

A lot of people use VPN software to keep their devices safe while using public Wi-Fi networks. These networks, which are consistently available in stores, libraries, restaurants, and more, don’t always utilize the industry’s best cybersecurity approaches.

Additionally, public networks are simply a lot less defensible than private networks. And this is why cybercrime tends to be related to them. Eventually, most people who work from home will find themselves needing to use a public Wi-Fi network. To counter the threats within these networks, you’ll need to avoid them entirely. To stay safe while using a public network, you should consider getting a VPN.

This is a VPN’s biggest benefit—and it’s also the benefit that makes them unique, to begin with. Your VPN, once activated, can redirect your IP address to another server entirely. And you’ll have many locations to choose from. Indeed, this does mean that you can effectively ‘vanish’ from any digital location—avoiding online attackers before they’re ever a problem.

Reason Two: Full Access to Digital News

VPNs might be great for relocating your device’s digital footprint for safety reasons–but a VPN’s availability across many countries, in and of itself, has additional benefits. A lot of countries are subjected to the ‘geo-blocking’ of popular media outlets. Sometimes, this is due to censorship. Other times, it’s simply due to intellectual property rights issues. Regardless, working from home requires immediate, reliable, and persistent access to digital news networks.

If a location happens to geo-block your own country, you can simply relocate to a server situated inside theirs. As such, you’ll have a much wider degree of accessibility to reach any important news outlets…

Reason Three: Remote Management Safety

Digital thieves who are capable of identifying a user’s IP address, more often than not, can use this knowledge to dig deeper. Eventually, they can even locate your banking credentials, medical history files, email logs, and more. One way they do this is through unsecured VoIP connections. If you work from home, you’ve probably used such connections before—as they’re the vital tools of online conference calls, as well as individual client calls. In any event, a VPN can hide your IP address even when connecting to remote services. And this is a critical benefit best not left by the wayside.

Reason Four: Information Protection

Cybercriminals will always be pursuing data somewhere. Unfortunately, those working from home use their devices often—and devices used frequently are simply more likely to encounter adware, malware, and other threats. When implementing remote work teams, businesses have systems that assure the continual safety of every device.

Those who work from home, however, don’t have additional people to protect their digital information. In most cases, not leveraging this security issue with a VPN will leave your device considerably exposed.

Assuring Complete Digital Safety

Today’s digital environments are considerably dangerous—but you should not engage them without extra protection. Whether you work from home, travel frequently, or both—it’s best not to take any chances. VPN software really is one of, if not the best, tools you can use to avoid hackers.


Published by
Ian Matthews

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