Comments on: SSD and RAID, What You NEED to Know Technology Doesn't Stop & Neither Does Sun, 04 Dec 2011 07:44:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Matthews Sun, 04 Dec 2011 07:44:59 +0000 In reply to RchGrav.

While I quite like Intel, I beleive they have a history of selectively telling the whole truth. Certain in when the CPU wars were burning hot with AMD, Cirrus and Intel, Intel had some debatable math in their promotional materials.

By: RchGrav Sat, 03 Dec 2011 06:51:16 +0000 In reply to Peter.

Did you consider the possibilities that Intel was calulating those numbers based upon their own lineup of solid state drives, or on solid state drives in general? My understanding is that there is a multitude of different controllers with various techniques for maintaining performance over time. For example.. I have heard that many Sandforce based controllers will maintain their performance levels over time if you are willing to leave 10-20% of your space unpartitioned. This is due to the way the SF does its garbage collection. I’m not saying Intels math is or isn’t correct.. I’m just saying do you think they make statements about other companies products, or their own.

By: Peter Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:17:18 +0000 I was an early bird putting two Cosair 128P2 SSD’s in RAID 0 on my Intel ICH10R controller. I deceided to do this, because the Intel documentation showed TRIM support was available on ICH10R raid controller. It was after I had the RAID 0, that the documentation was corrected, to mention that TRIM was not supported in a RAID setting. Bummer.
For some time the RAID 0 performed at aprox. 400 MB/sec read speeds and a Windows Experience index of 7.3, but in the mean while it is degraded to 270 MB/sec and a Windows Experience Index of 5.9.
So, I think Intel should redo the math. The degradation on my system is much more than 10%, due to lack of TRIM support.

By: Gerard Mon, 10 Oct 2011 22:32:17 +0000 Thanks for the info this is some of the most useful I’ve seen – there is a lot of misleading stuff out there on this subject. … Incidentally, have you come across any info more recent than Feb – I’m interested in whether there are any raid drivers that support trim that have become available since Feb, if you’ve seen any info on that would appreciate a ‘heads up’.

PS – just a suggestion – It would be a really good idea to put the four digit year in the banner rather than just 11 Feb, which I initially read as ’11th Feb’ – there’s good info in your article, but easy to pass by because not sure how current it is … luckily I just spotted 2011 at the bottom before passing on …

By: Items to Consider When Selecting a Phone System in a Post Nortel World - Up & Running Technologies Calgary Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:20:51 +0000 […] have no moving parts and CAN be RAIDed. Print, email, or share on your favorite social […]
