by Ian Matthews – September 7, 2010

Like previous versions of Exchange, the Service Pack is the full version.  In other words, there really isn’t an upgrade version to download.  You download the Exchange 2010 WITH SP1 and if you already have Exchange 2010, it will automatically detect the existing install and perform an upgrade.

This install was pretty pain free other than the pre-req’s.  They were a pain.  As those prereq’s get added to Windows Update, I expect they will go away, but as of Sept 2010, you got some work to do!

  1. Backup your server.  In my case that meant shutting down the Hyper-V Virtual Machine my Exchange 2010 server was running on and copying the VHD to a safe location, then restarting the VM.
  2. Download SP1 from Microsoft HERE (no, it does not show up in Windows Update) and then run the downloaded file.  It will expand from .5GB to 1.3GB and then you can delete the download file.
  3. Run Windows Update and install everything you can.  This will likely require a reboot which is not a bad thing prior to an upgrade.
  4. Install the prequisites:
  5. Launch SETUP.EXE from your SP1 download, choose UPGRADE ONLY LANGUAGES FROM THE DVD (if you want to make this easy) and then click INSTALL MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVER UPGRADE.  Look for that word UPGRADE.  If you don’t see it, you’ve got problems:

  6. As you can see above my upgrade took 1 hour complete and the Exchange 2010 Build / Version number changed from 14.00.0702 to 14.01.0218.013 with SP1
  7. Run another Windows Update to make sure there are no post SP1 patches (’cause you know there will be some!)

I was surprised and pleased to find the server did NOT need to be rebooted after the upgrade. 


1 Comment

Alex · October 20, 2010 at 11:07 am

Hello Ian,

and what can I do if I don’t see the word “upgrade” although I’ve already installed an Exchange 2010 Server?

Best regards,


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