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At Up & Running Technologies, we are always working on-site with one of our clients to improve service.

If you can, call us BEFORE you need to hit the panic button, but we can help you after if you need it.

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View Comments

  • Hi, helpful info regarding Android icons. Thank you. I definitely have not come across all of those! I've researched, and haven't found, this, though. There's a white "back" arrow at the bottom left corner of my motorola g pure screen when I shut it off, even when it's in safe mode. I do have every reason to believe that the phone has been messed with. I've reset it, and invariably, I leave it laying around to be attacked again. This arrow is a new problem, though. Any thoughts or ideas or appreciated. Thank you!

  • Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO and writing for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out, get your free account

  • You stated that "That Suite Money" was legitimate. You are wrong. I received a cheque for $141.00 and it bounced!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • That is bizzare. I interviewed the law firm myself and received cheques (for people) and credits (for companies) without any problem, including my own for more than $200. If your cheque bounced, contact the law firm mentioned in the article.

  • Take out many certificats that place is how viruses get in .....breach of information leak certificats will phone still work.. make...receive...messaging..??

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