If you have built a corporate image and found that you need to make a change to settings in the registry you can edit the registry off line. In my case I use WSUS to deploy images so I had to find the image I needed to modify in WSUS, right click and select EXPORT IMAGE. I named that export WIN10-PreRDPFix.WIM .
You can load and modify HKLM registry using the following commands:
- Create a C:\TEMP and a C:\TEMP\MOUNT folder
- Launch DEPLOYMENT AND IMAGING TOOLS ENVIRONMENT as an administrator. If you do not have the deployment tools then click HERE to get them directly from Microsoft.
- Enter Dism.exe /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\temp\<NameOfYourWim.wim> /index:1 /mountdir:C:\temp\mount
- Enter reg load HKLM\test c:\mount\windows\system32\config\software
reg load HKLM\test c:\mount\windows\system32\config\system
reg load HKLM\test c:\mount\windows\system32\config\drivers
… - Launch REGEDIT and expand HKLM\TEST
- Make your changes and close REGEDIT
- Enter reg unload HKLM\test
- Enter Dism /unmount-wim /Mountdir:C:\Temp\mount /commit
- Import your .WIM back into whatever deployment solution you are using. In my case, I went to WSUS, right clicked on the image in question and selected REPLACE IMAGE
If you need to load a driver in an offline WIM image, including a PXE boot image click HERE for details. You might also find this basic DISM instruction from Microsoft to be helpful.
1 Comment
RLJ · April 10, 2019 at 11:22 am
Worked like a champ. Note to others, DEPLOYMENT AND IMAGING TOOLS ENVIRONMENT can be a pain to get installed on an off-line machine or VM. Powershell has the functionality and the syntax is almost exactly the same.
Thanks – what a lifesaver.